Monday, October 03, 2005

the drs. k

my parents, the notorious drs. k, recently made their first trip to my new homestate... here's the photographic evidence:

this is me and my dad with our (long lost) cousins eddie and paula in charleston... it was really good to reconnect with them; they are both incredibly sweet and made us feel right at home.

brink and me, re-enacting our "why not weekend" portrait from 2003. we took a very similar photo to this one that weekend, on the battery in charleston. two years later, we were lucky enough to go back and take another.

my parents posing during our walking tour of charleston's beautiful homes. they loved the real estate so much, they're ready to move tomorrow. no, really. they're serious. i love them.

brink and dad posing in the courtyard of a lovely antique shop. aren't they cute?

enjoying the rooftoop bar at the marketplace pavillion hotel. it was nice, but i could have done without the intense gusts of wind.

the drs. k trying not to be blown away on top of the pavillion marketplace. we had a great weekend!


At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

aw, the doctors K are adorable! photogenic indeed.


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